CEO Atlas

When I was young, I loved looking at an atlas and learning where places were located and the distances between them. It allowed me to have a bird’s eye view of the landscape while focusing in on the details: distances between cities, the alternate paths you can take, the landmarks along the way and the scenic stops. An atlas is the perfect tool to present the overall big picture. It also allows the user to determine the best route to take to get to their chosen destination depending on what someone wanted to see and experience along the way. The CEO Atlas is a tool designed to be used by CEOs to guide them on their own journey. This course is a natural extension of what I do with business owners on a daily basis and is based on what I have experienced, observed and learned over time from working side by side with CEOs, senior management and their employees.

I hope CEO Atlas helps you on your journey, gives you the direction to get to your desired destination, and allows you to enjoy the ride by equipping you with the tools you may need. On any trip you need the right passengers and provisions. Rarely do we travel alone but choose your passengers wisely and be careful who you pick up along the way. Plan when and where to make a pit stop, refuel or take in a sight. You must be equipped to make the critical decisions at the forks in the road.


How CEO Atlas Can Benefit You

Experience:  Gain Insight from Susan Keller with more than 25 years business experience


Self-Paced:  Materials can be used at your own pace and allows you to focus on the areas where you feel you need the most help


Best Practices:  Organized around how your business should work


Case Studies:  Insight into challenges and successes of others


Strategy:  Information is applicable to all business owners no mater how long they have been in business; everyone should have a growth strategy


Road Map:  Step by step road map to follow


Downloads:  Access to downloads to share with your team


Measurement:  Evaluation tools to measure progress;  Recommendations to set the foundation for measured and stable growth


Assignments:  Homework to assist you put in action what you have learned


FREE Download Offer

There is no “right” way to grow your business but there are different paths and forks in the road that change the course of a company’s growth trajectory.  All businesses need a clear direction.  Download my FREE outline to prepare you for the journey and to help you navigate: Business Growth Outline.
Download Now!
CEO Atlas © 2020.
All rights reserved.