CEO Atlas
The course is intended to be self-paced and to be done when you have time to focus on your business. It is recommended to complete a module before moving on to the next module which if you are being thoughtful should take 5- 10 hours (including the homework). Remember that you can and should engage your team members in the homework and pit stop activities.
Yes, you will be asked to create a username and password that will allow you to log in and out. The username and password is for you only, as each additional user must pay for the course.
You will be asked to take the assessment at the beginning and end of the course. Each time it will take approximately half an hour to complete but please spend the time and be thoughtful with your responses so you have an accurate starting point and can see how far you have come after you have completed the course. You can start and stop the assessment if need be.
Upon completing the assessment, you will receive 4 separate assessment scores one for each of the functional areas of a business: operations, finance, team and brand. They will be sent to you in an email to the emails address you provide at the beginning of the assessment.
Yes, we will be adding subject matter mini-courses (weekend get-aways as we call them) from time to time. If you would like to be on our mailing list, please fill out the form by clicking here.
CEO Atlas © 2020.
All rights reserved.